Eight important health checks… Are you due for any of these?

These aspects of our health are especially important to consider, even though they may not be at the top of your list for a casual conversation. Ask your GP if you're unsure whether you've had certain tests or screenings recently.

You can also discuss these checks our Pharmacist on your next visit.   

1. Poo

Learn what is typical for you and let your doctor know if your bowel habits change. If you'd like, during your next appointment, you can ask that your doctor to show you the Bristol Stool chart. It's a simple method to talk about poo without having to give a literal description.

2. Endoscopy or colonoscopy

These provide useful information on the condition of our digestive system and whether additional testing is required. If these tests are required, your healthcare team is trained to make you as comfortable as possible during the process.           

3. Prostate

There is now a blood test that can detect prostate-related problems, including cancer. Ask with your GP when you should have a PSA blood test (prostate-specific antigen).           

4. Fungal infections

These are not enjoyable, whether they are in your socks, jocks, or somewhere else totally. Fortunately, you can get over-the-counter help quickly and easily. So, ask your Pharmacist for a fix!           

5. Cervical Screening

It is now recommended to get this done every five years in place of the Pap Smear. If you're not sure when you might be due to have this screening done, ask your doctor. Alternatively, if it would make you feel more comfortable, you can now self-collect your sample.           

6. Breast check

Be familiar with how your breasts normally feel and appear. When performing a breast check, there is no right or wrong technique. The key is to do so regularly and develop the ability to recognise anything unusual for you.           

7. Discharge

The timing of ovulation and the presence of a STI or yeast infection can both be determined by changes in vaginal discharge. Ask your Pharmacist for advice on how to manage itching and other symptoms during life stages including menopause and pregnancy, which can also affect discharge.           

8. Haemorrhoids

Don't put up with the discomfort. Numerous treatment approaches are available, and lifestyle adjustments can lower the likelihood of relapse. Ask away, we've talked about haemorrhoids in great detail hundreds of times before!

As always, our Pharmacists at TerryWhite Chemmart Cockburn Medical are always available to discuss any health maters with a focus on keeping you well.

Some useful sources of information:







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